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Oct '10

Anne Pisses Her Pants

Anne has always been pretty shy, she doesn’t like to be the center of attention but a few days ago when she was walking back from town she had an emergency and knew that if she wasn’t careful she was going to make herself the center of attention. Anne had to piss so badly that she just couldn’t wait and even though she looked around desperately for a bathroom she couldn’t see one so looking around to see if anyone was looking she decided that she would just let a little piss go to see if she could make it home. Anne figured that her pants were dark so no one would be able to see what she had done…but she was wrong!

As she squatted down to the floor and let a little piss trickle out she realized that she had to go a lot worse than she originally thought and as she squatted there the piss just kept on coming! Soon she found herself with her pants absolutely soaked with piss and there was a huge puddle of warm piss underneath her as well! She didn’t know what to do because it was obvious that she had pissed all over herself, her pants were clinging to her skin and there was a huge dark spot where the pee had soaked through!

See more at Wet In Public

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