Katie has been a nude art model ever since she turned nineteen and she had to admit that she really got off on the job. Knowing that complete strangers were looking her up and down, taking in every inch of her delicious tight teen body always got her wet. Usually Katie sits for art classes but once in a while she takes a private project and heads out to pose on location for photographers and artists. A few weeks ago Katie got asked to pose by a guy she’d known for a while through an art class she posed for. She knew the guy pretty well so she decided to do it.
When they met out under an old abandoned bridge Katie was already horny as she stripped out of her robe and felt a breeze brush against her soft skin. Then as he started to shoot pictures of her he asked her to squat down and start pissing. Katie couldn’t believe it at first but when he told her he’d pay her double if she’d start pissing for him she couldn’t resist! As that golden piss started to flow she watched his cock start to get rock solid and then he pulled it out and started jerking off to her pissing!
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